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A-ONE - 450g Pure Natural Instant Dry Yeast

A-one instant dry yeast in vacuumed bag, package in 450g.Belong to Baker's Instant Dry Yeast, vacuumed packing products, be used for fermentation for all kinds of pasta, such as bread, cake, biscuit, and so on. With pure natural, high nutrition, fast fermentation, long shelf life, easy usage, it is a kind of health, safety, biological food products.
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Bakers Instant Dry Yeast - low sugar/high sugar
Feed Active Dry Yeast
PACKAGING TYPES: 5kg, 500g, 450g, 400g, 125g, 100g, 25g, 20g, 15g, 12g, 11g, 10g.
DESCRIPTION: Free flowing light fawn coloured rods granule formed by controlled temperature air-drying of a filtered yeast suspension with added rehydration agents. Yeast is cultivated from a pure strain of saccharomyces cerevisiae.
INGREDIENTS: Bakers Yeast ( Saccaharomyces cerevisiae), Emulsifier
QUALITY STANDARD: The People's Republic of China Food Yeast Processing Standard GB/T 20886-2007
APPLICATIONS: Especially formulated for use in doughs containing of 0-7% sugar (low sugar) and 7-18% sugar (high sugar) in formula ( on total weight)
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Product of China
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: 1. Ordinary fermented food
0.3-0.5% yeast dosage of the flour (namely 1.5-2.5 grams yeast in each 500g flour).
2. Bread
1.0-1.2% yeast dosage of the flour (namely 5.0-6.0 grams yeast in each 500g flour).
First, dissolved the yeast in 35-38 Celsius Degrees water, then mix the dissolved yeast into the flour ( also can put the dry yeast into the flour equably, add the right amount of warm water to make the dough for fermentation). The best ferment temperature is 35-38 Celsius Degress. Generally, the dough fermententation time is 40-60 minutes (can reduce or extend fermentation time according to specific temperature). after the honeycomb shape porosity appear in the dough , placed for 5-10 minutes and then put the dough into utensil or oven to make the food.
SHELF LIFE: 2 years unopened from date of manufacture at recommended storage conditions.
Once opened, shelf life is reduced to 48 hours.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store unopened in cool, dry conditions.
Once opened, store sealed and refrigerated.
PACKAGING: Inside Packing: Individual units vacuum packed in poly-laminate foil sachets. Heat sealed.
Outside Packing: Packed into cardboard carton
Sachets and Cartons packaging labelled with production codes and date of manufacture.
TRANSPORTATION: Cool and dry, away from any materials without a strong odour.

OUTER SIZ 20' 40'
Length Width Height Volume N.W G.W TONS CARTONS TONS CARTONS
5KG x 5 540.00 285.00 290.00 0.045 25.00 26.10 17.10 684 25 1000
500G x 20 325.00 210.00 255.00 0.017 10.00 10.60 16.50 1650 25 2500
450G x 20 325.00 210.00 235.00 0.016 9.00 9.60 16.56 1840 25 2778
400G x 20 295.00 210.00 235.00 0.015 8.00 8.50 16.60 2075 25 3125
125G x 24 245.00 245.00 120.00 0.007 3.00 3.30 14.10 4700 25 8333
125G x 36 285.00 250.00 135.00 0.010 4.50 4.80 13.93 3094 25 5556
100G x 60 363.00 205.00 182.00 0.014 6.00 6.30 14.74 2457 25 4166
12G x 200 280.00 235.00 195.00 0.013 2.40 3.10 4.9440 2060    
11G x 200 265.00 375.00 130.00 0.013 3.96 4.32 9.21 2325 25 6313
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China Dalian Xinghe Yeast Co., Ltd.